Feeding Our Souls
I had a chance last Sunday to speak to a memeber of the LDS Church who knew about my religious background. In the end of our conversation, he asked me how I could leave the Church after having received a testimony of it. And so, I set about trying to explain what Ihave a hard time fully grasping myself.
When I firststarted studying the Bible in earnest, the power that the scriptures posessed began to change my life. And from that point on, I felt a sense of loss, barely explainable, when I missed reading my scriptures. But when I picked up the Bible again, I would feel like I was fed. Amazingly enough to me at the time, I felt the same thing when I picked up a Book of Mormon. And, in the end, there were two things that made me sure that I was winding up in the right place. The first was when I came to a sacrament meeting in the group and watched the priesthood pass the Sacrament. I felt like I was starving and never knew it until that moment. I knew my soul needed this. And then, I had an interaction with the man I believe to be the Prophet. Again, I felt like I had come home to where I had always belonged. After meetings I still go up to him and just shake his hand without saying anything. And he never looks at me weird. I'd look at me weird.
There's an analogy that helps me explain this. I have a friend who invited me to eat a meal at her house. When she passed me the salt shaker, I saw this strange stuff with little brown flecks in it and wrinkled my nose at her. Then she said, "It's RealSalt. Try some." So I did. It was wonderful. I had never tasted anything like it and I finally told my friend I didn't even know how to explain why it was so good. As I reached for the shaker to finish salting my meal, she said, "I know. It tastes like something you've been needing."
That's what the work is. It tastes like something you've been needing. My soul responds to it and wants more. And that's my testimony; that's how I know it's true. I know this work is true on a level I have never known anything before. And it keeps my soul alive.
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