Why this Blog?
Warren Jeffs was just arrested. That brought up alot of thoughts and feelings for me. I have never met or had anything to do with Warren Jeffs, but I remember how I flet when I was researching polygamy for the first time and came across information about him. I was in college, working on my Counselling degree, which I have since finished. I remember being appalled by the idea of under-age girls being forced into marraiges, and men being randomly excommunicated and their families being reassigned to other men. "How can you just tell a child that his dad is someone else now?" I screamed in my mind. I printed out his wanted poster and pinned it up on the bulletin board in my dorm. I wanted him caught.
Now, I feel just a little differently. Not much, but a little.
I'm glad to have him off the streets, but I see more of the situation now that I'm involved in Fundamentalism. I'm not in the Jeffs group, and I don't personally believe that Jeffs is a prophet, but I wonder how this development will affect the FLDS group, and how it will affect my friends and family. My blood ran cold when I heard that Harry Reid had called for a task force to begin to investigate polygamy in the West. Warren Jeffs needed to be stopped, but what will happen next? Will my children, who have yet to be born, have to live in fear of having their father pu tin jail, or of mob violence? Are we approaching again the days like the ones Joseph Smith and the early saints lived in? What will the choice to live as we believe God has commanded cost us? Is the trouble the FLDS is facing only the beginning of trouble for us all?
This is the fear we live in. And this is the reason for this blog. Maybe I'm idealistic, but I believe that if I tell you about me, if I make myself a real person to you, you will be willin gto stand up for me and my future family at some point. Maybe I can make you understand that I am not controlled or forced into anything. Maybe I can make you see the light the fullness of the gospel brings into my life. Maybe we can come to understand and even care for each other. That's my goal.
I'm amazed that in this world of pre-judging and summary prejudice you have been able to enter the light of Gospel Truths. The insights that Joseph Smith restored are truly transforming, but only to those who have "eyes to see and ears to hear." There are so many others who have been blinded by the hatred and ignorance of men. One only has to read the daily news to see how essential Mormonism (Fundamentalism) has been condemned by salacious stereotype and lynch mob rhetoric. Where are the numerous cases of welfare fraud and tax fraud that have been proven in a court of law? Yet, the masses, voiced by Senator Reid and others like him, continue to cry, "Crucify, Crucify . . ."
I would very much like to know how you found the enlightened "way" when so many of the masses are lost in the milieu of "whited sepulchurism."
Thank you for your support. There will be more on how I came into the Work in future posts.
Hi..I would love to talk to you about what FLDS group you are involved with. I have been researching for years with the hope of joining one, I am also in my 20's. Please respond. amanda_frick@hotmail.com
Thank you, and God bless!
The government would have to be stupid to do something like that. Even if they did, it would only be with the groups that hit the news like the Kingstons, the Church of the Lamb of God, or the FLDS Church.
I might be too late to actually reach you judging by your last post date but I am searching for information and having trouble finding it. I am in my twenties and grew up lds I have always been drawn to fundamentalists beliefs and want to learn more please get in touch Krz10@inbox.com
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