Tuesday, September 19, 2006

More Holiness Give me

My biggest fear as I look at life ahead of me in the work isn't what people on the outside would think, but many of my friends understand it completely. I'm not afraid that I'll wind up in a loveless marriage or be forced to have more children than I could ever hope to want. My biggest fear is that I won't make it. I look at myself and my own weaknesses that really shine through at some points. My fear is that I may not be capable of enduring to the end. A song by a Christian band I really love puts it like this:

If I was not so weak,
If I was not so cold,
If I was not so scared of being broken, growing old,
I would be frail.

And yet, in the height of this feeling, I was at the home of a friend who is an excellent mother and wife and sister wife, and everything else, and I said, "I don't know if I could do what you do." And she looked at me, smioled, and said "Idon't know if I can do what I do." Besides ginving me a great deal of hope, this answer brought some questions to my mind. What is it? What makes any of us who are such fallible human creatures capable of reaching Celestial Glory? The Atonement, of course. I know, it's the knee-jerk answer, but let me try to explain this. The Atonement covered our sins and made us sinless before God. But it does more than that. Christ didn't limit His atonement to just covering our sins. It also carries us through life. We may be frail, but the One fighting our battles is strong enough to win them all. And this is our hope, and strength.

I can do all things
Through Christ who gives me strength
But sometimes I wonder what he
Can do through me
No great success to show
No glory of my own
But in my weaknes, he is there
To let me know
His strength is perfect when our strength is gone
He carries us when we can't carry on
Braced in His power, the weak become strong
His strength is perfect
His strength is perfect


At 12:28 AM, Anonymous B.D.Cloyd said...

I appreciate this site. Im not a mormon. But I do believe the Holy Bible and the literal teachings of Jesus Christ & His Holy Apostles and they definately taught Holiness. I support the people there in my prayers as I know the persecution is severe. I am a independent Holiness minister, and women in our meetings are ridiculed for their long dresses and uncut hair and we always wear long sleeves as the Holy Ghost has taught us to do. Im only 34 yrs old, but the Almighty God has taught me many wonderful things and I encourage fudamentalist Mormons (although I have never met one!) to hold on and be strong in the Lord and in the Power of His might! All who live Godly in Christ Jesus SHALL suffer persecution...its Scripture and its got to be. Everytime I see a picture on the papers or books on shelves at stores ridiculing your people I am reminded of the hundreds of times I have been laughed at and ran off from jobs and called "holy roller" and the like. I appreciate your life and standard and will continue to hold all your people and leaders up in my prayers. Be blessed in His Holy Name.

At 12:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my e mail address is bdcloyd@gmail.com


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